Letterbox Labels
Kurt Andro β December 9th 2015
Letterbox with chaos of stickers
Often letterbox systems are disfigured by an uncontrolled growth of stickers such as "No advertising" or similar. At the latest when they have become faded and brittle due to the weather and you are trying to remove them. Not removable residues or paint damage are then often the result. Therefore, many tenants probably do without stickers and prefer to throw unwanted advertisements and newspapers directly in the trash.
Double width and double height signs
The solution would be nameplate holders for retrofitting, which on the one hand fit into the respective mounting cut-outs of the common box types, but on the other hand offer a larger labelling area. On these areas there would be enough space for several or longer names, as well as for No-advertising messages.
Suggested sizes
The dashed line shows the mounting cutout.